Ocean effect

Started by CoalHedgehog, May 16, 2017, 07:45:12 AM

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Does anyone think it is possible to make a simple block object (box, sphere etc) look like a body of water?

Similar to this:

Image is from http://info-step.ru/

EDIT: The best I've done so far:


probably not within KS itself, since KS doesn't do displacement internally as far as I know.

This would be best to dive into a 3rd party modeling program, there are a slew of them out there. My personal preference is Cinema4D, but if I was just starting I'd look at the freebie Blender, that I hear actually does some cool liquid sims. But you should be able to get a look like this with some clever use of noise shaders and displacement.

or head to turbosquid, they've got a nice selection of this sort of thing.

Will Gibbons

Yeah, you can do this! Just use dielectric and set your color density to an adequate value... that's what's missing on your current material. Also, change to an environment that has more contrast than the startup HDRI.