Animation Part Translation Issue

Started by Joe Knapton, May 18, 2017, 03:07:26 AM

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Joe Knapton

I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem that keeps happening during animation renders.

When animating a combined translation and rotation on a part group, the render completely alters the finished position of the part.
The part moves and rotates to exactly where I want it when I play through the timeline, but when I render it, it ends up in a different place altogether.

I did wonder if it was due to having different file formats in the same group (Rhino files and stp) but I've made everything stp, and it hasn't fixed it.

I'm also having a problem with getting the animation to just render the work area. It seems to always try to render the entire timeline, so I have to stop it and restart it each time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm in the middle of a large animation for a client.
Thanks a lot,

Platform / OS: Mac Sierra version 10.12.4
KeyShot version: 6 HD with animation
Modeling system : Rhino 5.3.2


The file formats have nothing to do with it. It is difficult to tell what the issue is without having an example file. Could you share the scene?

Joe Knapton

Sure. It's currently in the middle of a render which seems to be running smoothly, so I'll share it as soon as it's finished.

Joe Knapton

Ok, so it's just done it again. You'll see on the scene that I've shared that it ends with a laser level finishing in an obscure place.

It should have ended with the laser level in the bottom left corner of the toon rendered rectangle, with the red laser beam appearing from the front face of the laser level. This is how it was showing when playing through the timeline, and on the preview render, but when it rendered in full, the position changed.

I've had this same problem with every animation I've done since upgrading to KeyShot 6.

Can you see anything that I'm doing wrong?

Joe Knapton

I've just opened the scene to re-position and re-render it, and it's positioning everything as it was meant to, so I've attached the render that came from this scene last night so that you can see the issue.