Label Placement

Started by youknowwho4eva, February 23, 2011, 10:42:27 AM

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I'm having problems with labels in the latest version. It used to be, if I wanted to place a label, I'd get the area I want it on straight in the window, Click position, and Click the center of the area where I want the label. The label would appear right there, where I could adjust it as needed. Tried this on 2 models today, and the label doesn't appear where I click, I tried scaling the label all the way up, and moving it around, but I can't find it anywhere.


It appears that normal projection is behaving strangely. Change the projection type and it works fine. We will look into this.


Works fine on windows it seems - Mac is broken.


I use Windows XP 32bit. I couldn't get a usable result with any projection type so I'm back to 2.1 again.