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Watch Rendered

Started by ShubhamShah, June 01, 2017, 03:35:37 AM

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Practicing with metals. Any input is welcomed.


Hello. I think your lighting is just right. Now you should go for detail. That background is a bit distracting, go for something a bit more subtle, your focus is the watch. If this goes for realism, you can begin texturing your metal (roughness, bumps) to stop it from being perfect and 100% shiny. Minor details make the difference. Adding the numbers on that black rim will also help selling this.

Hope it helps ! Looking good so far.


Adding the numbers on the bezel and playing a bit with the bump and roughness. Also increasing the subtlety of the background. Any inputs?


Reduced gamma


Great improvements! I think one thing that would help would be to see if you can get some sort of highlight on the inner rim between the face and the crystal. My brain says that there should be some depth there, but visuallly its not there. there is a tiny little reflection that is helping between the 45 and the 9:00 number dot, if you can increase that, it will give some depth to the dial appearance.

I think some more dramatic lighting would help here, look at the brightling watch images elswhere on the site, one thing I've noticed with good renders is that there are real world imperfections everywhere. Lens flares, blown out highlights, color casts, out of focus stuff. Stuff I need to work on on my own renders. Search out references for ideas.

Nice work!


Added a few imperfections an improved the depth near the inner rim. Increasing the bump of the numbers on the bezel. Still doesn't seem that realistic. Any inputs.


Needs some light reflections on the crystal.
Bill G

Andrzej Orzecki

From my point of view I would have changed a few really small things. First, a backgroud is a little to distracting,the main focus shall be a watch itself or a part of it so maybe shrink that background a bit. Than like Bill and Matt said before,try to work i think with the most important thing,the lighting. You need to cast some shadows,reflections,flashes,sparkle on the crystal. Maybe a zoom it in a little,or change the the angle to add some drama to the scene for example to the down or down left. But overall,i think you are on the right path and I would love to see improvements.

Best regards!


Quote from: ShubhamShah on June 03, 2017, 09:21:55 AM
Added a few imperfections an improved the depth near the inner rim. Increasing the bump of the numbers on the bezel. Still doesn't seem that realistic. Any inputs.

Its looking better! I like the depth now that I can see from the crystal to the face. Now lets address the indicators. Both the hour and minute hand look totally flat. The glo-in the dark material needs to be seperated from the face of the hand, rise up above it just a touch, and given a small bevel or rounded corner at the edges. That will seperate them a bit. Then the glo material needs some texture to it. Needs some imperfections, as do the hands them selves.

Ditto on the crystal, there needs to be some reflection, a glare or something. On my oceanuat mariner watch, there is a small bevel at the edge of the crystal where it meets the bezel. That will give more depth.

I think the HDR still needs some work too, as to make the metals look good, its all dependant on the HDR environment and lighting. Pic something with some small amount of color. Its looking great, and please keep tweaking and posting results!


An improved version...Any inputs welcomed.


That last close up looks very tasty!



Marvelous closeup! You are natural at macro product photography, you did not achieve this shot by accident.

Your wide shot needs just a bit more fashion lighting. Black bezel needs more contrast play between rich blacks and desaturated blacks with some light shape thrown over it. You can do that in post with gradients. Your model needs softer edges, your model might be physically correct but for purposes of rendering always round the edges to exaggerate them.

Hope it helps!


Quote from: texax on June 11, 2017, 12:37:35 PM
Marvelous closeup! You are natural at macro product photography, you did not achieve this shot by accident.

Your wide shot needs just a bit more fashion lighting. Black bezel needs more contrast play between rich blacks and desaturated blacks with some light shape thrown over it. You can do that in post with gradients. Your model needs softer edges, your model might be physically correct but for purposes of rendering always round the edges to exaggerate them.

Hope it helps!
Thanks for the input. I'll work on that.