How to make this?

Started by rauledo, March 03, 2011, 04:19:55 AM

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Anyone knows how to make this more less trasparent plastic with a little bit of rugosity. in my test always looks like glass or worst. Maybe it's a question of the scene, don't know. What do you think?



You will want to use the advanced material and increase the "internal roughness" value to get the frosted look. Bring the color of the "specular transmission" up from black to the color you want the material to be, this setting lets light through.


Thanks Jeff,

But when I'm using advance material for this cap, the material lose the trasparency.
What I'm doing wrong?

Anyway, how to increase the "INTERNAL" roughness?

Thanks for your reply! 


Do you have advanced material settings enabled in the options menu ?


Try this material:

To load in that material, right click in the material library and select "import material".

The specular transmission color controls the transparency on the advanced materials. Be sure to have the "advanced options" enabled in the preferences.


Thanks for your reply JeffM & PhilippeV8,

Like you suggest, the "advanced options" wasn't enabled in preferences panel.

I started to work in this material, but still it needs some improvements, i'm losing the plastic brilliant effect on the outside. Maybe, it's because I'm increasing the internal roughness and a little bit in the outside too,
but the light in the scene  affect the material in a different way than the other materials.

I attach some captures of my enviroments values, what do you think?

Thank you!


Having your environment gamma set so high will tend to lower the contrast too much.

If you'd like to send me your bip I might be able to quickly adjust some things for ya :)


Many thanks Jeff!

I'm a little bit frustrated about the look of my semi-transparent material.

I attach you the file and some examples of the material.


I just looked at your file, what you need is proper thickness on your model. Right now there's only a single surface to represent the bottle top and therefor the material at the correct IOR (index of refraction) looks like a solid piece.

You need to make a shell out of this part with a millimeter or two of thickness.


Jeff, I've been trying to create the plastic you noted above, but am confused by the settings. 

#define material "Frosted Plastic" {
  surface   "lux_advanced" {
    "diffuse" 0.0196078 0.0117647 0.00784314,

I cannot set the diffuse to these numbers.  0.0196078 jumps to 196, etc.

Can you explain, or am I missing something?

Bill G


Ah, I see the problem. When you click my link it actually shows you the file structure which is not very useful!

Right click on my link and select "save link as" to save the .mtl file to your system.

Then, place that mtl file in your KeyShot Contents/materials folder. This will make a new group in your material library that contains my frosted plastic.

You can also try the "import material" function available in the right click menu in the library. Browse to the mtl downloaded here, then tell KeyShot what material group to place the material into.