Large BIP file, and the problems I encounter.

Started by Robert V., April 09, 2011, 01:41:12 AM

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Robert V.

Hi all,

I have a small problem. I have made a small scene in solidworks and imported this scene in 2 sessions to 1 BIP file. The BIP file is now 3.11GB. Opening this file takes some time, but eventually gets done.
Now, when I started applying materials from the material library, everything went well. However, when I tried to apply a bathroom tile material to the floor, and then selecting another texture... keyshot just quitted.

So, selecting another texture seemed too much. I have a workaround though, first open a simple model in keyshot. Create your material and then save it to the material library...

After doing this workaround several times, I now had all the materials I needed. However, after applying some of these newly created materials to my large scene, when I click on "file" keyshot quitted again.

my information:
I7 860
Keyshot 2.2.52

memory in use while the BIP is opened: 4,5GB


This sounds strange. You said small scene inside SolidWorks? Can you share?

Robert V.

not small in size, but small as what it would be in real life. sorry for the confusion.

the size is depending on the quality setting in solidworks. And when I set it to the max, maybe that could be the problem?

It's an assembly. (244mb)

The parts together are 250mb.

If this still wouldn't explain it, I'll upload the set.