Turn group back on

Started by mattjgerard, August 10, 2017, 06:49:40 AM

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Not sure if this is a bug or not, but in KS7, I have groups of objects in the scene tree. I can turn off the whole group by clicking on the eyeball, and it turns off all the objects in the group, but it won't do the opposite of turning all the objects on. If the entire group is turned off and I click on the eyeball icon with the red line through it, it doesn't do anything. I would think that it would turn all on the group object and all the objects inside the group.  In order to get the whole group visible again, I have to eyeball click every object in that group.

Am I missing something?


While making this screen recording, i see that this is only true for the top level group. There is one other group inside the main group, and that functions properly. The group eyeball button works both ways, to turn the group and its child objects on and off, but this doesn't work for the main upper level group.  What you can't tell in the video is me madly clicking on the top level group trying to get it to turn on.



If you delete the animation does the issue still occur?


Hi Matt,

This is not something I can reproduce.
Can you share the scene with us?



Yeah, it was still happening with the animation removed. Not sure where the animation came from , this was imported from a KS6 file. There is no animation in the scene.

OK, interesting. Went back into the file to save out a ksp, and its working fine now. Glad I have the screenshot video to show I'm not totally bonkers, and it was happening. So, not sure what was going on, but it appears a computer restart  fixed it overnight. I'll keep looking for other instances of it happening.

Case closed.