Occlusion Ground Shadows and Physical Lights KS7

Started by TGS808, August 13, 2017, 03:32:54 PM

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Noticed this:
With occlusion ground shadows activated, rendering using Product Mode (in the lighting tab) to a PNG with "Include Alpha (transparency)" checked the shadow is nicely captured with the model on a transparent background. When doing the exact same thing only using Interior Mode, the shadow is missing and you only get the model on a transparent background. Is there a reason for this? Is there any way around it? To use Interior Mode and catch the shadow?

I have a model that's using some sphere's (with an area light material applied to them) inside a glass material. In KS6 the light was visible through the glass giving an LED look in all modes (including basic). In KS7 with the exact same settings it appears like the lights are off (even though they aren't), unless I switch it to interior mode. Then, it looks like it originally did in KS6. I need the lights on but also the shadow under the model.

Added an image in case what I was describing about the lights was unclear. On the left is part of the original KS6 image. In the middle the same file opened in KS7 and rendered with no changes to the settings. On the right is KS7 set to Interior Mode. Setting it to Interior Mode was the only way I could find to get those lights to be visible. Is the another/better way?



Thanks for the report. Sounds like a bug to me. Can you send the .ksp to rex@luxion.com via keyshot.wetransfer.com

Best regards,


I can reproduce the issue with Occlusion Ground Shadows. Will be filed as a bug.

I am not sure what is going on with the glass and area lights. If I put an Area Light inside a Glass object in KeyShot 7, the Area Light just shows through in Product Mode. Can you share the scene?



Thanks Dries and Rex. I'll send you guys the scene later today.


Hi Mark,

Thank you for sending over the file.
The lighting issue is fixed in the next update.

The shadow issue with Interior Mode happens with non-occlusion ground shadows too. It has been filed as a bug.



Thanks. Really appreciate how on top of things team Luxion is!