Realtime window - image too 'soft'?

Started by jhiker, August 14, 2017, 08:19:29 AM

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I'm doing my first render with KS7.

Is the image in the realtime window much 'softer' than with KS6? It looks quite 'blurry' to me.

As you can see from the screenshot the timed 'render' looks much sharper than the realtime window at the moment - I hope it doesn't apply the 'softness' when it's finished rendering.


Any chance you're on a Mac with a Retina display? If so, make sure Retina Mode is activated in the top ribbon.  That should make those labels look sharp in the realtime window.

If you're not on a Mac with a Retina display, I'm out of guesses as to why it looks like that.


I'm on a PC so it's not that.
Never noticed this with KS6 and previous versions.

It's definitely 'softer' though. If I open the same scene in KS6 it looks immediately 'sharper' in the realtime window with the same lighting/environment settings.

Baffled - any ideas Thomas?