Rounded Edges in KS7

Started by MrTomB, August 17, 2017, 06:29:17 AM

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Hi all

On both Mac and Windows we cannot use this function. If you select a part in the scene tree the option is not there until you explode each part until you get to a single surface, the option then appears but nothing happens. At the moment we have to go back into modelling it and a fillets


It will not work on a single surface. The problem seems to be how you import the parts. What file format are you importing?



I get that you cannot 'round edges single surfaces, this makes sense but it is a polysurface

Its going in as a 3DM file from Rhino. It is a valid polysurface all nicely joined together. Tried it as a STP file and seems to be okay, is that the issue? I have attached one of the parts that is non confidential



This is actually an import issue
We are looking into it.

In the meantime, you can try to Re-Tessellate (a Pro feature) your parts. After that, Rounded Edges should work.



I tried the plugin - available shortly - and it comes in nicely as a single piece. However, you will still need to re-tessellate to get a denser mesh. Then rounded edges will work.


Thanks for looking into it, resolved by re tessellating it.

The plugin for Rhino doesn't work for KS7 on Mac by the way


Correct - it doesn't exist yet. It will be available later today.

If you check "import Nurbs" then the file imports as a single object. But there is still an issue with merging the patches. So in order for rounded edges to work you will need to retessellate as Dries suggested.