Humanscale reissued!

Started by Speedster, August 17, 2017, 07:43:19 AM

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Hi all;

Not KeyShot related, but I know many of us are designers.  Thought you would be interested to know that the classic design guide Humanscale has been reissued!  It was created by the great Industrial Designer Henry Dreyfuss in 1960, and is the bible for human factors engineering and design.


FYI- I was very fortunate to have worked briefly with Mr. Dreyfuss in the mid 1960's, and also knew Niels Diffrient, who is heading the reissue effort through a Kickstarter campaign.

Bill G


Hey Bill!

Thanks so much for posting this!  I searched for new human factors reference guides a decade back, and there's still nothing better than these!  I must have reached out to dozen industrial design colleagues today, and half of us are gifting them to ourselves for Christmas.  Tremendous resource!
