Reorganizing items in the scene tree

Started by mattjgerard, August 23, 2017, 12:02:01 PM

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I'm having trouble taming my intern OCD beast when it comes to organizing my scene tree. In the past I've done most of my assembly in Cinema 4D, which has a fantastic object tree system.

In KS7, I'm finding that I'm pulling more and more models directly into KS and setting up my scenes there, which is what I'd rather do. Cuts a load of steps out of the process. Also, as we build our library of products in KS projects, its so easy to just yank in a handful of KS projects and rip out a tabletop grouping or something like that.

So, my issue is in Keyshot, I can't figure out how to re-order objects and groups in the scene tree. Its appears that there are only three actions that can happen,
1) Drag a group or object into another already created group
2) Drag an object or group OUT of a group
3) drag an object or group to the top of the tree by dropping it on the main MODELS group

I can't figure out how to take the group that is 5th from the top and move it to 3rd. It wants to drop it into either group 2 or 3, i can't get it to drop in between. I just want to be able to drg and drop to re-order groups and objects. I've tried shift, ctrl, alt, and although the little tiny damn near invisible icon near the mouse changes from a + to an arrow, the behavior doesn't change.

Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?



Hey Matt,

You're not doing anything wrong. The UI indicators for reordering are suboptimal. You can move a group from i.e. 5th to 3rd but the 'target' area is quite small.

You will want to let go of the mouse when you DO NOT see a black outline around the adjacent group. Hope that makes sense.


Ahh, got it now. Have to tweak my mouse settings now, that's a precision move right there!

Thanks for the tip. FYI in dark mode, its a white border. Its working now that I know what to look for.


Good to hear. We are looking into improving the UI indicators for 7.1.


My Technical Illustration team and I would LOVE to be able to drag items in the tree that are on the same "level" and reorder them within the same level. We put together assemblies in KS7 Pro daily and having to constantly make new groups to do this is a HUGE time suck. Also in large assemblies the scroll bar in the scene tree becomes an almost invisible sliver, can that be "told" to not get smaller than X amount of lines? Can both of these requests be implemented in 7.1?  ;D


Quote from: grantmiller on September 13, 2017, 12:34:10 PM
My Technical Illustration team and I would LOVE to be able to drag items in the tree that are on the same "level" and reorder them within the same level. We put together assemblies in KS7 Pro daily and having to constantly make new groups to do this is a HUGE time suck. Also in large assemblies the scroll bar in the scene tree becomes an almost invisible sliver, can that be "told" to not get smaller than X amount of lines? Can both of these requests be implemented in 7.1?  ;D

Thanks for the feedback! We'll see what we can do.