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Units Issue

Started by ieatfish, September 06, 2017, 09:35:11 AM

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I may be missing the way to do this but when I import a parasolid assembly into Keyshot, it always will come in the scene in meters (parasolid default units). When I change the scene units to inches, it scales up my assembly 39.3701. This is correct and I can verify it by moving the assembly by changing any axis to 1. It moves the equivalent of 1m until I change the units and 1" afterward. However, if I then try to move a part in the assembly by a specified amount it does not respect the unit change. Even though the properties window shows the dimension of the sub-object correctly in inches, a translation value of 1 moves it 1m, not 1". Shouldn't the translation options obey the scene units?

I assume this has to do with the model assembly having scaled up 39.3701 times but how do I move sub-assembly parts a specified amount without having to divide every value to return it to meters manually? I hope that all made sense.


I just tested this with a cube in KeyShot 7, and it seems to work as expected.


Not sure if there is a connection to be made here. but that scaling factor is familiar to Cinema 4D users, as some of the objects moved over from C4D via the plugin get scaled down to .393701, and have to be rescaled back up to 1. I have it on my list to test if its parametric objects only, or when exactly its happeneing.


Quote from: thomasteger on September 06, 2017, 11:30:53 AM
I just tested this with a cube in KeyShot 7, and it seems to work as expected.

It works for top level objects, but try this:

1- Add Cube to scene
2- Verify it is 1x1x1m
3- Move it 1m in one direction to verify correct movement
4- Now duplicate the cube by opening up the group called Cube and duplicating that geometry. This puts two cubes in the Cube group. (don't duplicate the group itself as that will just make two groups with one cube each, not indicative of an imported assembly)
5- Change scene units to Inches (Keep scene size)
6- You can now see that the Cube group has scaled up to 39.3701 to keep it a 1m cube based on the original scale
7- Now select an individual cube and verify it is 39.3701^3in (so far so good). The scale of the individual cubes is 1 (the group scale is what keeps it 1m^3)
8- BUT when you go to the position tab and change a translation value of an individual cube to 1 (unitless, though I argue it should have units there and respect scene units to avoid this whole confusion. Even better if keyshot can interpret an input of 1" or 1m in any field and convert it for me), you'll see that the cube moves 1m rather than 1 inch. But since the scene has been switched to inches, it should only move 1 inch, not 1m.

9- And just to be clear, moving the whole group named Cube (with the two cube geometries inside it) by 1, it moves the expected 1 in.

I hope I explained that well enough. I've added the scene here that I just described but I think going through the steps helps understand the issue. Basically, the position tab on an object inside a group doesn't obey scene units, it uses the original units.


Thanks - I will take a look.


Confirmed. I will discuss with the team.

