750 ms = 0.75 seconds

Started by zooropa, September 19, 2017, 01:05:16 AM

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Hi I am probably wrong, but KS is changing my 750 milliseconds to 766 automatically. I am guessing this does not exist and maybe that is the reason why I can not input 750 ms. I just want to input in my animation the half of 1 and half seconds. If one second is 1000 ms...I thought half of 1.5 will be .750 miliseconds ? Why I can not input this ?

Esben Oxholm

Hi zooropa.

That is due to the fps settings. You're probably running at 30 frames per second and here there's no frame starting exactly at .75 ms, but .767 instead. I don't think that going with .767 instead of .75 gives any perceivable difference, so I wouldn't worry about it.

If you really need the frame at 0.75 you have to change the frame rate to 24 fps.

Hope it helps.


Oh thanks a lot !! I was sure it was something I did not know and not an error from KS.