Basic newbie animation question..

Started by jhiker, September 19, 2017, 08:28:41 AM

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I am stumbling through my first animation. At some point I will read the help manual but I need to get this done..
I have managed to move this assembly from it's original upright position a small distance in X and then in Z.
I have also managed to tilt it 45 degrees about the x-axis. So far so good..
I now want to rotate the whole thing about the centre line axis of the top disc (with the holes) the axis passes through the centre of the disc orthogonal to the top face. How do I define an axis and then rotate the assembly around that please.


I am a super rookie too, but have you tried picking your pivot point ? In the menu that you posted you will find a button saying 'pick' and then you can choose which element of your 'tree' you want to take as a reference.

You probably tried it, but just in case. As I said I am a rookie, but I am willing to contribute if i can. Maybe you can upload the scene?
If my suggestion did not work ? 



Also, using the Global instead of Original Position, might help?

-David Merz


Thanks. I managed it more by luck than judgement. I chose 'pick' and clicked on the top disc but didn't get anywhere. I did the same with the lower disc and it showed the axis that I wanted and I got it to revolve correctly. I definitely need more practice at animation though.


It does take some practice to get your head around the motions. I admit, I'm still a newbie in the animation department myself, it can get complex very quickly!


I agree, I am myself animating right now and dealing with similar difficulties. Sometimes when I do not get the 'pivot' as I want, what I do is to create a geometry within KS and place it exactly where I want it and then use that geometry as a pivot for my imported one.

Good luck!
