JPEG for environment lighting

Started by seblezinzin, May 17, 2011, 03:03:22 PM

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Before, in lastests versions, I imported directly my jpeg files in environment (no backplate ), No for picture but for lighting.
Thus, I loaded my jpeg in backplate for the picture and I loaded the jpeg in environement for the lighting, and It was super, because if I had a sunset picture, I had the sunset lighting with its.

But now, I use the 2.2.65 version and this is not possible.
In environement, I can load only hdr, exr and hdz.

Why? or How do it with the new version ?


Jpegs don't contain any lighting information. You get the sunset reflection, but not the lighting.


Yes, I know, but I don't know why, I used several times jpegs in environment .
And I had lighting and reflection.