Skin Material issue in Keyshot 7 (EDIT : SOLVED)

Started by hansolocambo, October 07, 2017, 05:27:54 AM

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I've been working on scenes for a contract using Keyshot 6 and all went fine. Then I continued on Keyshot 7 and began to have weird issues using the skin material as I was used to.
Here you'll see a test on a face with just the basic diffuse textures applied :

Then I Alt+Apply a Skin Material (I did tests with other materials and it went fine) and I end up with that :

Even if I trust my scene as I worked on it with Keyshot 6, I tried to open a new scene and added Keyshot Primitives. Then I applied the Skin Material and this is what I see :

By modifying the Surface and Subsurface colors of the Translucent material "Skin", and playing with the Translucency slider, I manage to soften the problem, but then the result is far less interesting. And again I've never seen that in Keyshot v.6.
Could someone please advise ? I'm a bit stuck  :-[


Am I the only one to have had such a difference between keyshot 6's skin material and keyshot 7 ??  :o Any ideas please ?


Could this be solved changing the unit system?
Have you tried to change the depth (slider) of the translucent material?
Maybe you can post a screen grab of the material settings.


Thanks MWO for sharing your thoughts on this issue.
When I posted those screenshots, it was a brand new, all clean installation of Keyshot 7. There is nothing special in the scene.
I start Keyshot 7, create a default keyshot primitive (cylinder, sphere, etc) and use the default skin material. And the last screensot posted is the result I get.
I tried to change the scene unit system and changing the depth but it doesn't have any effect at all :(

I reinstalled Keyshot 6.3. Same test, 2 primitives and default Skin Material :

And as you can see, all is fine. Weird isn't it ? Well. I stay with Keyshot 6. If anyone have an idea, it'll be welcomed ;)


I've played with the "human skin1" material from the cloud. This material works fine for me. But it is an advanced material instead of a translucent type.


Thanks for sharing MWo. I lost so much time because of this issue. Even trying to create the material by myself instead of using the one installed by default.
I'm gonna try your link right away. Cheers  ;D


I tried various things and was not able to reproduce in 7.1. Can you save and share the scene?


Sure thomasteger ;) I just made it again. Two primitives. Default Human Skin 2 50mm material. If it opens fine for you I hang myself :)



Opens just fine for me. I will forward to our Chief Scientist to ask for advise. I can see the issue in the saved preview with the bip-file you sent.



It looks like you are running an older version of KeyShot 7 (7.0). The latest update (7.1.51) does include a number of fixes to the Translucent materials. I believe the issue you are running into should be fixed in the latest version.



So please do not hang yourself, but rather update to the latest version. ;-)



Oh all right. Glad to hear there have been changes in translucent materials behaviour. This could indeed just be an issue with my version. I'm asking our Network engineer to update all our versions right away. Thanks a lot for checking  ;)


Keyshot updated to latest version. Skin Material issue's gone.
Thanks DriesV, thomasteger for checking the issue. Thanks MWo for trying to help ;)