Rotate-Scale-Rotate Wonky-ness

Started by mattjgerard, November 16, 2017, 01:41:27 PM

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HP 640Z
Current KS version 7

1) Edit- Add Geometry - Cube
2) Invoke Move tool, Rotate happily, works great
3) Scale y axis to .25
4) Using move tool, rotating around 2 of the 3 axis turn the now scaled cube into a weird parallelogram-ish shape. LIke its rotating the framework of the original cube inside the skin of the scaled shape.

I can send a ksp if needed, but both my partner and I have this problem.

And when I scale one axis (say Y) down to .25, instead of just scaling the Y axis and keeping that number at .25, it resets Y to 1 and configures all the other axis and the main scale.  Ends up being X=4, Y=1, Z=4 Main Scale= .25


This happens when the axis in the Move Tool is set to local. It won't happen when axis is global.



Once again a simple fix. Thanks Dries! I could have sworn I had tried that before I sent this in but I guess not!