Reflections from Backplate

Started by mattjgerard, November 29, 2017, 07:14:18 AM

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So, I'm not totally clear on how the backplate image in the environment tab is supposed to work, so looking for some clarification so I'll stop cussing at it.

I thought the backplate image wasn't supposed to influence the render at all, just be a reference, or background that wasn't used in calculating the image? This is how I recall KS6 working (but I may be mistaken on that)

I usually use a backplate image for guides when placing products for our website, and I just noticed today that I am getting reflections from the backplate in the shiny plastics. I don't want this to happen, and while I normally render out with a white color background it doesn't matter, but I'd like to understand more about how this works, so I can use it to my advantage at some point, and also make it part of my troubleshooting if I'm getting something odd in my image I need to look for.

I did notice one thing just now as I'm writing this, that the reflections are only really noticeable when I'm in performance mode, but is it still being used in the image? I've noticed this before when rendering out floor shadows as well, that the background color will influence the shadow color. I'm thinking that I really want the "background " to be just that, and not influence the render at all. Am I thinking wrong about this?

Will Gibbons

That is quite strange.

It only happens in Performance Mode? Are you 100% positive there's nothing else being reflected in your scene? A backplate behind your object (even if it did interact with the part) shouldn't be able to reflect off of a surface that's facing the camera.

Can you possibly send the scene to be looked at by support?


I'll double check my files, and make sure there is nothing linked/hidden, and if I am still getting it I'll send one to support. Thanks Will.


Sent via wetransfer. Appears there might be something to do with the transparent plastic I'm using. it only is visible in performance mode.