White spots all over interior scene render

Started by leo de brito, December 02, 2017, 06:13:53 AM

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leo de brito

Hello guys. I hope you can help me. I´m having white spots all over this interior scene(specially on black materials) and I dont know why. I think it is relate to reflections. I was abble to get rid of it when I reduced the ray bouces value to 1 and when I changed the materials specular color to 100% black. But of course this isnt the best solution. In the image bellow you can also see the black plastic material settings of the chair. Any advices?

Will Gibbons

With one ray bounce and specular=0, your stuff is not going to look correct!

What I tend to do in this situation is:

1. Make sure no light sources are too bright (especially physical lights)
2. Add a bit of roughness to the offending materials
3. Increase material samples (under the roughness parameter of most material types)
4. Render at higher samples setting (let it render longer)

Hope that helps

leo de brito

Thanks for the info Will. Your first advice solved my problem. I had a small fisical light source with a huge amount of light just behind my camera. Once I turned it off, no more fireflies. Thanks mate! :)