Assign different material to different areas of the same part / KeyShot7?

Started by Matti M., December 04, 2017, 06:56:37 PM

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Matti M.

I heard a rumor that I might be able to assign different material to different areas of the same part in KeyShot7. I'm not convinced this is the case. Can anyone confirm?


Esben Oxholm

Hi Matti.

You can do this in several ways.
One is to use the geometry editor to split your surfaces apart:

Another way would be to layer two materials using the material graph and then use i.e. a gradient texture in the opacity channel to reveal just some of the upper material.

Matti M.

Hi Esben,
Very helpful. This split will give only plane cut. If I have more complicated/curved splitting line this method would not work? Like, if I wanted each of the keys to be different color in your example part.