Share KeyShot Viewer

Started by Finema, May 02, 2018, 01:50:49 AM

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Sorry, i don't know if i really understand the concept of Keyshot Viewer.
I downloaded it, tested it but how can I share a project with a client?


Your client will have to install KeyShot Viewer.

To share a scene, go to the 'File' menu in KeyShot and then select 'Save for KeyShot Viewer'.
You can then optionally set a password and have options to show the KeyShot logo and/or watermarking. Press Continue to save out a ksp file.
You can send this ksp file to your customer for viewing.



Ha yes
I thought it was possible to record an auto executable
Thanks a lot Dries  ;)


Hi! Is it possible to share a presentation with a client using the Viewer app but locking the source file?
I would love to share my works with clients with this amazing tool but I don't like to share my Keyshot scene with all my hidden tricks in term of composition/lighting etc.

I've missed something but now when you send a file to be opened by the viewer it's a complete Keyshot scene?


Does your client have a full version of Keyshot? If yes, then you are out of luck.
If they are just using the Keyshot Viewer, then they don't see any of that. There is no Scene tree shown, no environment tab or anything for them to see. And unless you set up different model sets or studios or material variations, they're basically just looking at the model with a few options for zooming/rotating/panning/grabbing a screenshot.

Check out the last webinar to see it more in-depth:


Is there a way to send a client the KSP file and they open it in a Browser? Many clients are reluctant to install software.
In other words, Keyshot offer of have a browser-based viewing option?


I have to 2. what IW says!

the viewer is a nice-to-have feature, but actually useless in "real life", sorry to say.
we are a product design studio and 98 percent of our clients do not have the privileges to install something on their machines, this is IT privilege only!
and to try to peruade the IT guys is pointless ...!
even a self-extracting file is critical,  I think, but a web based application should be ok for most clients!


I don't know how it's fair to ask Luxion to solve this particular problem, they produce a render engine, and you're asking them to not use their render engine, but use a render proprietary shaders. It's impossible. If you're evaluating shapes, you have tools, you can use OpenGL.

Otherwise, do what everyone has been doing for years, render an image or an animation, have them evaluate that for feedback.


Hi David,
I'm not asking not to use their solutions, just host it on the cloud. Adobe Dimensions does it, so why not Keyshot?


Quote from: IW on March 11, 2019, 06:13:36 AM
Hi David,
I'm not asking not to use their solutions, just host it on the cloud. Adobe Dimensions does it, so why not Keyshot?

That's interesting, but I wasn't aware that Dimension does any cloud rendering? I had heard they were exploring that feature, is it officially launched?


Actuall its not that the render in the cloud but allow you to create a link that is browser based so anyone can view it. This is ultimately what I need, but would be great if Keyshot can do this as well but maybe the option for view ro export to hi-res images.

Here is a link to check out


Isn't this Adobe example an exported glTF?


This is new to me, so not sure what file type is shared. Attached is a video of the workflow, if that helps understand better. Sorry best I can do.


Quote from: MWo on March 11, 2019, 09:59:39 PM
Isn't this Adobe example an exported glTF?

Building on what MWo mentioned, Keyshot 8 does export .glb and .glFT files (allegedly). I have never worked with either, because you're sacrificing all of your shaders from Keyshot for something more open source and dumb down (which is what I am seeing in your Adobe example). - But if you're looking for a browser only solution to examine a model interactively and not worried about proper lighting, shadows, and materials, then you should explore this option.  <-- Here's the KS8 Manual that mentions it. It gives a link to here; to read more about that format.

Hope that's helpful.


 guess, the main misunderstanding here is, what each of us is expecting from a tool like a viewer (which was actually, the beginning question, how this thread started...)
in my eyes, a viewer is a tool, that I use, like I did a 3D pdf or an eDrawing in Solidworks or any other cad modeling application, or as the Adobe solution mentioned above...
to me, this is no tool for a final presentation, it is a development tool, helping you in your communication with your client to get to the final result.

I come from a product design background and we use KS intensly as a development tool:
we create designs for finishes, textures, fabrics i.e. , than send it to our supliers and let them develop the i.e. fabric design based on our visualizations.
we had to do this in years before with i.e. Adobe Illustrator visualizations, which demanded always a few more loops until we recived the final result.
with being able to describe much better what we want, we are way more efficient.
the same applies to my clients:
yes, they were able to see something in a 3D pdf, but now with the possiblity to apply the right materials, textures etc. very early on, they have a much better impression on what to expect in the final product.
to have a high end rendering is not what is needed at this stage, so compromises to a certain degree in the shaders and materials are acceptable.
A 3D application, that would let them turn the product around would not only make it even easier for them to understand, but would also save us a ton of work, as we would not have to create heaps of images, that maybe even need some retouch etc...
but again,all this comes down to the main question:
what is this tool and is it positioned ?
