Render queue maximum quota?

Started by Rollk1, June 13, 2018, 01:54:51 PM

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Hi all. For some reason whenever I try to add more than 25 items to my render queue it bumps the 1st queued at the top and replaces it with the newly added queued item. In the past I've been able to add dozens of items to the queue without issue. Any idea what could be causing this?


Could be a few things. We have run into Network Queue issues when we start running out of space on the Master's hard drive. The way I've understood it, each 'job' you send is basically a mini .ksp file, textures and everything needed for that job, which is transferred and stored on the Master drive and divided up to the slaves for rendering.

If you were sending relatively 'small' jobs before (not resolution small, but perhaps, geometry was lighter, and there weren't many textures) your space might have been able to handle dozens of jobs sitting in the queue. But perhaps you're working on a larger 'job' with some heavy image texturing, that can quickly eat up space when you have that duplicated 25 times.

So, TLDR; it could be an array of issues, but first thing I would check is how much free space is on the Master's hard drive. If it is lower than 10GB, you might have discovered the root of the problem.