Water and liquids test for cosmetic advertising

Started by elliasp, August 01, 2011, 06:57:19 AM

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Hello guys,

I have a problem to find the perfect water material. Indeed, I did many tests (see exemples below : water material with IOR 1,200) and a high level of raybounce...

I tried every IOR possible, every levels, and I even tried to replace water or liquid material by gem or glass and solid glass : the result is always the same : Water object has very important areas in grey, as you can see on the render below...

If the raybounce is low, water is black. If the raybounce is high (I tried till 23 !) the result is gray...

Maybe it's in advanced material ?... Can you help me ?...



Here is the real photos... I'm still working on it, but water is a real challenge  ::)

Chad Holton

Hi elliasp,

Great start - I would try using a different environments. Maybe one that has no gray or less gray and then adjust the height/size/rotation to find the sweet spot.


Well, good advice, I will try this...

I was keeping my "cosmetic reflections" HDRI's to have these typical things on chrome parts, but I will try others to see...

Thank you  :D

Chad Holton

You are welcome!
If you can't seem to find the sweet spot with all your elements then you may have to resort to a clown pass.