What would cause less than full CPU use?

Started by mattjgerard, October 22, 2018, 01:10:13 PM

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I have a rather large scene 67mil triangles, probably not as optimized as it could be, but with KS just sitting there its not using my CPU as much as it does with a simpler scene. with KS set to use 100% from the CPU Useage dropdown, the system reports only 50-60% use. I open a demo scene with the cutaway material and it shoots to 97%. Is this expected behavior, that as the scene grows it gets less efficient?

I am trying to optimize me scene as mych as I can, as when I send to my NR node, it will use 100% for about 3 min then drop down to 3-5% and sit there. Temps are all within acceptable on both machines. Anything else that might cause this?

I can't specifically tie this to any changes, but I did upgrade from Win 7 to Win 10 on my main machine, but the render node always had 10 on it. Might it be connected to the KS7 to 8 update?

Thanks all!


Hello Matt.

Did you use the image style option to the slow scene? Is it a bit faster when you turn them off?

Hope you'll find a way.



no image styles applied, but good thought. I started turning things off, and optimized a couple things, I had some mesh panels using opacity maps that were applied to thin cubes instead of simple planes, so there was a lot of overlapping unneeded layers going on there, that helped the most. But still just didn't seem to be using the full CPU potential of my local machine or my render node.


Hey Matt,

I saw a similar issue recently.

Did you use the task manager or the resource monitor to track the CPU usage?

If you used the task manager, could you try using the resource monitor to check the usage?


I was using both at some point, but I ended up using the resource monitor for my observations. Appeared more responsive and accurate than the task manager. I was able to clean up some things, but Luxion is checking my scene with respects to the opacity maps. There seems to be certain situations in scenes with different combinations than can cause a scene to not fully hit the cpu 100%. I know if I have a larger amount of physical lights behind cloudy plastics simulating LED's shining through touch buttons and such that the CPU on my NR won't stay at 100% it will jump around, and go from 4-10% to 95% for minutes at a time. Its not temp related, as my temp monitor reports temps well within acceptable. I'm onto different projects now, but will be working on a rather large scene with many cloudy plastic LED fixtures in the next week, so I will be able to see how it performs then as well. I will be paying attention to what is bogging down the system a bit more closely.