Help with color gradient

Started by Lag, November 20, 2018, 05:25:26 AM

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I'm working on creating some renders for a mouse and i'm having some trouble on archiving some light effects coming from the mouse, basically i need that led's on the mouse looks like the attached file.

I'm trying to use the color gradient property linked to my material (transparent plastic) to get the desired effect, but i'm only getting a solid color across the whole part, not the color changing effect i'm after. I attached a picture on how the part looks and the material graph if it's any help.

How can i get my part to look like the first attachment?

Esben Oxholm

Hi - have you tried hitting the 'move texture' button and see if the gradient is located and rotated correctly in relation to the part?
Sometimes you'll have to  rotate it 90 degress in one of the axises.



Thanks for the quick reply, i got the gradient centered on the part and moving it around doesn't change much to be honest.


If you click on the gradient node and press C, it will show you just the color gradient on the part for easier positioning. That way you can confirm if it is in the right spot with the gradient spectrum across the part or if just one color is showing on the part because it isn't oriented correctly.

Eric Summers

Try changing the Gradient Type from 'Diamond' to 'Planar'.


Quote from: Eric Summers on November 20, 2018, 07:29:29 AM
Try changing the Gradient Type from 'Diamond' to 'Planar'.

That's what I was looking at too. Some of those gradient types are a bit odd and hard to get centered especially on a thin piece of geo like that. It will work, it just might take some messing with it to get the gradient to get centered properly.


also the scale of the color gradient looks huge !
taking a look at the screengrabs, it looks like the part is only showing a fraction of the color  gradient !


Hey guys, you were right the problem was with the position of the gradient node and the scale. Took me some tweaking around but i got it right.



hello Shane,
did you read all the comments above?
there should be everything there to help you ...