animating a car to drive

Started by XD1, January 15, 2019, 11:51:08 AM

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Perhaps this is easy and covered before.

How can I animate a car driving. I understand rotating the wheels for motion blur. But can both be done?
Like is that one animation standing still rotating the tires and another then moving everything forward at a matching speed to look realistic?



Do you want to actually render multiple frames of  the car moving, or just want the illusion of the car moving for a still shot?

Esben Oxholm

If I understand the question correctly, then your approach sounds correct.
There's no way to rig the rotation of the wheels to automatically match the forward movement of the entire car directly inside KeyShot.



yes i would like to do a full animation of a car moving around. so it has unique shadows based on the lighting environment...i only found one example

also what's the best way to do headlights in the animation instead of in post? would that be spot/point lights?

Eric Summers

Perhaps the LEGO Truck Animation scene (near the bottom could be helpful to look at. It's been quite a while since I looked at it, but I think it has what you're looking to do.


As long as you keep things grouped properly it's not too difficult if it's just a simple animation. That way you can turn each wheel individually as well as move the whole car as a group. I did something similar with a drone flying around with its props turning.
You can use the diameter of the tires to calculate your required forward motion (3.14*diameter for one wheel revolution).