realtime render - vs time limit realtime render

Started by PhilippeV8, September 15, 2011, 06:37:02 AM

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Got a question.

If I have a scene and I let it render with:
-the realtime renderer and after 1h20m I hit "stop".
-the realtime renderer set to stop after 4800 seconds.

Is it so that this should give me the exact same result ?  Or at least should we expect to have the same result, or is there a difference ... cuz I ain't getting the same result ...

Without setting a timer limit, I can't put realtime renders in the Q and leave it overnight ... so I did 1 render during the day and looked how long I had to let it sit for it to be ok.  I came to conclusion that 1h and 20min was OK .. So I put all the lot in a Q with 4800 seconds limit and leave over night.  This morning, all renders I had finished were grainy.

So my conclusion is ... it renders better with no time limit set !!
Cuz I did a test just now and rendered it with 6000 seconds limit ... still grainy .. now it is rendering without limit and after less than 1h it's looking A LOT better already !!

Is this expected behaviour ??



I use realtime all the time. The longer it renders the better.


I have not had good luck with Real-Time. It's great for clear objects that get dark splotches using the regular engine; but some areas on materials with roughness and lots of shadow seem to never not be grainy no matter how long I let it bake.

As for time or frames, I say use frames. This is a quantity that will be reached no matter what other things your machine may be doing other than rendering. Frames you can set for any number of images of a scene you want and will get consistent results.


Still I'm hoping for a word from the KS team on this issue ... ;)


What issue? The "graininess"? If so, you may need to increase the samples for the material. Turn on the advanced settings in the preferences, then edit the material, and change the samples to a higher number.


No, the issue is that there is difference between "1 minute realtime render with manual stop" and "1 minute realtime render with time limit stop" ... seems like the timer used for that proces uses up CPU speed which makes it render slower or something ???

Is this normal ?


Chad Holton

Hi Philippe,

Are the resolutions the same between the two you are comparing?


Yes they are.  Same file, same settings, same everything.  Only thing I change is toggle to time on the quality tab of the realtime render.

So I set no time limit and render for 1 minute and stop manualy vs. I set a time limit of 1 minute.  These 2 renders are NOT the same !  Seems as the render with the time limit set is less "done" than the one I stop manualy.

As I said, I got a scene which I set up in the Q with realtime render and a time limit of 1.5h.
If I render the exact same scene and setup manualy, after less than 1h, the quality is already WAY better then the end result I got on the previous render.

I hope it's clear now what my problem is ;)


Chad Holton

Hi Philippe,

I have been testing this one and can't reproduce. Are you able to send a package file of the scene and/or the renderings showing the difference? If so, please send it to, so I can look into it more.



Chad Holton

No problem - do you have an upload link you can send it to? If not, send me an email: and I will set you up with a link.
