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Stereo Animation

Started by paultubiana, April 12, 2019, 06:58:47 AM

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When I try to render an animation with the stereo mode, it automatically unchecks the Stereo mode.
It works in a fixe image but not in Animations. Any idea please?


Does it also do if you only render the frames and stitch'em in post?


It seems when I toyed around with this about a year ago or so, that it was a little goofy in how you actually get it to work. Sorry I can't be more specific, but it took me a few frustrated tries to get things to come out properly. There was something specific/weird in how you selected the view and how it displayed. Check the KS manual (I think the link for it is in a post somewhere towards the top of the forum), I think I had to read through it like 20 times before something clicked.

Sorry, not super helpful, but validation that you're not the first or only who's had issues with it.