How to win money with Keyshot in 1 night

Started by elliasp, September 26, 2011, 11:44:46 PM

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Hello guys !

I had a client who asked me to do "emergency photo" because they had to go to sell their product in middle east.

Here is what the client ask :

"Francois, we have a solar package for our customers and we absolutely need a beautiful photo, can you do this in 1 night ? Our products are ugly, we need enhancment, and we absolutely need it for tomorow !!!"

Here is the photos they sent me of their products :


Here is the render I provide them (I didn't said it was CGI of course  :D  )

(I think my clients had an orgasm when they wake up the morning and open their mailbox  ;D  )

Thanks Keyshot !




je veux etre ton disciple!!!  ;D



Hahaha....that's brilliant.  With work like that KeyShot pays for itself....over and over.



This in just incredible Francois! Wow, love the orange. I bet they did flip out to, hahhahha. Must have been a good chunk of change!


it's a nice result, love the colors..

well, I don't wanna be nit-picking, but let's be honest: the leather case doesn't look anything like the real reference.. if I'd be the client the fact that my product doesn't look the same may be really bothering to me.. I'm just saying, doesn't matter if there's a day or more for the result, accuracy is important and everything is about the details.. imagine the customers surprise after ordering this product based on your "photo" and getting completely different case.. I agree that the overall look is better than the reference photo for sure, but my point is there's a different product on yours..


@Furo maybe they'll decide to change their case to make it look like Francois's case  ;)


Formation gratuite a KeyShot sur notre stand les 4 et 5 octobre 2011 au Palais des Congres.
Salon de l'Innovation et de la Creativite dans le Packaging.
CADLINK, vous offre votre BADGE VISITEUR VIP Et vous invite sur leur stand A19.


@ Furo : after 8 hours of work by night, the final result has just to be enhanced, it was the principal purpose.

I think if I had 1 week to touch myself about the details you are talking about, I would provide a different result. (Sorry, my english is very bad but I think you understood what I think of your post).


Oh, Furo, I forget something :

(it's not necessary to answer to this tread, I had enough from you).



Francois, amazing work in 8 hours and to produce a product "photo" from awful reference pictures. Did you have to create new graphics for the labels as well?



Quote from: Francois Kalife on September 28, 2011, 09:01:11 AM
Oh, Furo, I forget something :
(it's not necessary to answer to this tread, I had enough from you).

by submitting your image to the public gallery forum you should expect different types of reactions.. I wasn't offensive, my criticism was constructive and legitimate, if you're not able to handle well-intentioned criticism, you should mention it next to your images in the first post next time.. as far as you was clearly expecting positive reactions only I'm sorry if I crocked your ego.. as you wish, I will not post to your thread anymore


Welcome to my world !  Take it from me. Your life will pass by you working at that kind of pace.
Nice work ! Great example of Keyshot at it's best.
Thanks for sharing.