KeyShot 9.1 Beta Overview

Started by DriesV, January 06, 2020, 06:47:32 AM

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Below is information on downloading, installing and submitting feedback for KeyShot 9.1 Beta, along with a changelog that outlines the new features and updates.

Warning: The use of beta versions is not recommended for production files. If you would like to test an existing scene, it is recommended to work on a copy of the scene instead of the original one.

Note: KeyShot 9.1 Beta is still a work in progress. However, most functionality is available and ready for testing.

KeyShot 9.1 Beta Download
You may download KeyShot 9.1 Beta via the following links.

Current version: 9.1.89
Windows - Full installer
Mac OS X - Full installer

Windows - Update Installer
Mac OS X - Update Installer

KeyShot Viewer - Windows
KeyShot Viewer - Mac OS X

KeyShot 9.1 Beta Installation and Licensing
A valid KeyShot 9 license is required for testing. The above installers will update your existing KeyShot 9 installation to 9.1. You can always revert by re-running either the full or update installer of KeyShot 9.0.

KeyShot 9.1 Beta Feedback
We need to hear back from you about what you like and issues you find. The KeyShot 9.1 forum board is a public forum for all registered forum users to discuss new features, changes and issues found while testing. Please post your questions, issues, renderings and scene examples here:

Of course, you may still send email directly to the beta team via Large files may be transferred via

With builds coming out regularly, please include the following when submitting issues on the forum or to the beta email:
Beta version number (ex. 9.1.64)
Platform - OS version (ex. Windows 10 64-bit)

Changelog for KeyShot 9.1

- Added Unwrap UV Tool for Pro licenses
- Updated SOLIDWORKS importer to support SOLIDWORKS 2020
- Update to use Python 3.8 for scripting
- Added scripting function to Spawn Browser dialog and retrieve data from it
- Re-tesselate can now be applied to multiple parts
- Models can be added to favourites
- Improved node arrangement in material graph
- Denoise rendering will no longer output Diffuse and Depth pass
- Improved UI responsiveness on startup and and save
- .mov output will now use H.264 codec to ensure compatibility with MacOS Catalina
- Various stability and UI improvements for Configuration wizard
- Fixed issue where Colour profiles would not be applied
- Improved handling of Locked parts
- General stability improvements
- General UI improvements and fixes

GPU Mode:
- Improved error handling for GPU rendering
- Stability improvements for GPU rendering
- Fixed visual discrepancies in GPU rendering
- Fixed issues with render-layers on multi GPU systems
- Added support for Volumetric AXF on GPU
- Improved Caustics for GPU rendering

If you have any other questions, simply reply or email us at

Happy rendering!

The Luxion team

Don Cheke


Are their any help files at this point for UV Unwrap. I don't see any in the manual and I am unsure how to proceed with it.


Hi Don,

Very fair point. :)
I will be adding a PDF with guidelines in a wee bit.
Thanks for checking.



Thanks Dries  ;)
I was really waiting for the UV Unwrap but I didn't understand how to use it.

Don Cheke

Quote from: DriesV on January 06, 2020, 07:38:41 AM
Hi Don,

Very fair point. :)
I will be adding a PDF with guidelines in a wee bit.
Thanks for checking.


I am looking forward to the PDF. So far it seems that this is not what I was hoping for and I guess the name suggests that it is to unwrap as opposed to help someone UV wrap inside KeyShot.

Here I have a box that I UV wrapped in TurboCAD and brought into KS. Next I opt to unwrap, before and after,  and then the results. Why do I need to unwrap UV, wouldn't it be better to have an option to actually do UV wrapping in KS? Perhaps I don't fully understand at this point.


 :) Can't wait to try some of this out.

Beta 9.1.64 - Windows 10 Pro

Edit 2; Just noticed the writeup post which breaks down the UV unwrapping tool a bit further - Will take a read through that.

Edit; got into the UV Unwrapping portion. Was trying to set some seams - which kind of worked for a moment but then stopped working for me - Was having some trouble understanding the order of operations - so yeah, a PDF will do wonders I am sure!

From my perspective, which is totally not the same for everyone, I am used to being able to go into my model in Blender - hop into edit mode and set seams (or clear them) manually - select the portion of the mesh which I'd like to run the unwrap algorithm and see the result in my UV editor (flat) - I can then take my UV islands and move them around accordingly. Not expecting a full on replication of that experience, but I do think there is some inspiration taken here from that workflow - I just can't seem to figure it out on my first attempts.  ;D


Quote from: Don Cheke on January 06, 2020, 08:44:47 AM
Here I have a box that I UV wrapped in TurboCAD and brought into KS. Next I opt to unwrap, before and after,  and then the results. Why do I need to unwrap UV, wouldn't it be better to have an option to actually do UV wrapping in KS? Perhaps I don't fully understand at this point.

If you've already set UV coordinates for your model in TurboCAD then you're done and there's no reason to do it again in KS. Unwrapping a model and setting UVs is generally the domain of polly modelers  like Cinema4D and Blender. The unwrap tool in KS will be useful (hopefully) for users of software like Fusion 360, Solidworks and other NURBS based CAD programs which do not allow you to unwrap a model and set UV coordinates. Users of those programs will now be able to do in KS what you were able to do in TurboCAD.

Don Cheke

Quote from: TGS808 on January 06, 2020, 07:27:38 PM
Quote from: Don Cheke on January 06, 2020, 08:44:47 AM
Here I have a box that I UV wrapped in TurboCAD and brought into KS. Next I opt to unwrap, before and after,  and then the results. Why do I need to unwrap UV, wouldn't it be better to have an option to actually do UV wrapping in KS? Perhaps I don't fully understand at this point.

If you've already set UV coordinates for your model in TurboCAD then you're done and there's no reason to do it again in KS. Unwrapping a model and setting UVs is generally the domain of polly modelers  like Cinema4D and Blender. The unwrap tool in KS will be useful (hopefully) for users of software like Fusion 360, Solidworks and other NURBS based CAD programs which do not allow you to unwrap a model and set UV coordinates. Users of those programs will now be able to do in KS what you were able to do in TurboCAD.

Thank you for this very enlightening response. When I first heard about this upcoming change I was under the impression that I would be able to do what I can do in TurboCAD, within KeyShot (thus bypassing the effort in TC), but that, I see, is not the intent. Good to know. Again, thanks for chiming in.


Quote from: Don Cheke on January 06, 2020, 09:02:54 PM
Thank you for this very enlightening response. When I first heard about this upcoming change I was under the impression that I would be able to do what I can do in TurboCAD, within KeyShot (thus bypassing the effort in TC), but that, I see, is not the intent. Good to know. Again, thanks for chiming in.

I am not familiar with the UV unwrapping tools in TurboCAD, but judging by your screenshots you should be able to unwrap this geometry successfully in KeyShot. The caveat is that the Unwrap Shell command of Quick Unwrap, that you are trying, will not work here.
Unwrap Shell is meant to be used on sheet surface models only. It will not produce good results on closed surfaces and solid models.
So for your model, you will have to do a manual unwrap.



Hi Don,

Attached is a video capture of how you can go about solving this problem in KeyShot with Unwrap UV.


Don Cheke

Quote from: DriesV on January 07, 2020, 07:57:34 AM
Hi Don,

Attached is a video capture of how you can go about solving this problem in KeyShot with Unwrap UV.


Thank you for taking time to make the video. It makes it very clear what this tool is intended for and I now see, thinking back on other previous models, how this would come in very handy. Again, thanks for all your efforts on this and on KeyShot as a whole! It is a very impressive program that I am happy to using as part of my creative process.


Quote from: DriesV on January 07, 2020, 07:57:34 AM
Attached is a video capture ...
Reminds me of the old "Where's the beef?" Burger commercials except now it's "Where's the audio?"

Don Cheke

When I open KeyShot and import files, all options are rolled up. Same when the model is open. After expanding and closing KS, upon importing new again, everything is rolled up again. This is new behavior in KS 9.1. Setting (all expanded) were remembered in the previous version (KS 9). Hopefully it can be fixed.


Niko Planke

Hi Don,

Thanks for your bug report.
I have filled an issue for this.

In case you experience other bugs, please start a new thread here:
That will allow us to keep track of the issues and provide better assistance.
