Long save time - GPU effects

Started by andy.engelkemier, April 29, 2020, 03:16:33 PM

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So I found, disable GPU effects. Well that definitely fixes it. BUT...I Want GPU effects. And the link to more information is no longer available, probably because it was for keyshot 8.
The other solution there was to pause render first, but that doesn't do much.

So I have a 1.51MB file. That should save in a couple seconds. But it takes 45 seconds to save if unpaused, and 27 seconds to save if paused. If I turn off GPU effects and restart it is immeasurably fast. I mean, not really, but it's not worth me using a stopwatch because you hit save and by the time you hit start it's already done.

But I use the photographic image styles. And those are disabled without GPU effects being turned on.
I updated my graphics card drivers just in case, and restarted my computer. But nothing. For my more normal files, that are around 300-500MB it takes a few minutes to save. Well that's sort of painful. So I'd love to figure this out.

Keyshot version 9.3.14 on Titan X with dual monitors. 1 4k, 1 2k. Nvidia Driver  version 445.87

Erik Williams

Hi Andy,
I have a few questions I hope you can answer.

Are any other programs or apps open and using your GPU when rendering?

  • Closing any programs that might be using GPU will improve your render times
Do your scenes contain NURBS?

  • Depending on your scene, rending using NURBS can also speed up the process.
What is your GPU Usage when rendering and what is your sample amount?

  • If you set your GPU Usage to 100%, naturally doing so will speed up your render times.
Under 'Render Options', are you rendering in Default or background?

  • Rendering in the background will take longer than in default, however rendering in the background does give you the option to continue working while your scene is being rendered.

Using 'Denoise' will speed up your render time, but will decrease some of the finer points and edges, which I get the feeling you don't want.
Curve geometry has limited support in GPU mode and depending on your CAD program can put a little extra strain on the card.


No other programs open
no nurbs in the scene. Just a Very basic single object FBX import to test.
GPU usage - this question seems more about rendering than saving? I think you may have misunderstood the issue. The issue is about long Save times, not long render times. Like, File > Save. For a very small file, it takes a long time to save. For a larger file, it takes even longer. But this only happens if GPU effects is turned on. This issue had been noted on the forum back in keyshot 8 as well.
Render options, again, I'm not rendering here. Just saving the keyshot file. I generally just render to the farm anyway, so this doesn't apply Much, although, due to the long save time, sending files also takes a long time. Because it has to save a copy of the file to do that.


Can you provide an example file and the times it takes for you on CPU and GPU for save and we can see if we can reproduce. Please send to support@ AT uxion.com


Rather than doing that I just opened one of the sample files. With GPU effects enabled, 17 seconds to save as.
To best time it, I opened it, shifted the camera a hair, and hit save as. It pops up a warning that i changed the camera. I hit discard at the same time as the stopwatch.

I disabled GPU effects and repeated the step. I couldn't give you a time, because I hit discard when hittig start on my stopwatch. But the time I was able to look back at the screen it was already finished. So I would say less than a second?

I did it a Third time by enabling GPU effects again, but this time paused the real-time window prior to saving. The time went down to 9.2 seconds.

This seems fairly insignificant on a 2.5MB file, but whatever is causing the issue scales into minutes with scene size.


OK when you say "GPU Effects" are you referring to GPU mode? So you clicking the GPU mode in the ribbon? Just want to make a sure I'm no misunderstanding. Also, which Demo file did you open?


No, not GPU mode. GPU Effects, in the settings. This enables image styles, denoise, bloom, vignette, etc.

Sorry, I didn't mention. The Spotlights demo scene.


OK I am unable to duplicate the issue in 9.0 or 9.3 for the Mac. Will push over  to QA investigation.