rendering two model instances together with different materials

Started by yuri_ch, August 13, 2020, 03:28:42 AM

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Hi! What is the workflow for creating some number of model instances with linked materials for all the parts except some of them? Instances should be placed together, for example, one is a black version of my device and another is a white version standing together with the black. So one material I'm planning to change has been applied to several parts (let's say there are 184 parts that have got the same material and I need this material to be unlinked from copies). That is to say, I'm planning to render a scene where two or more copies of my device should present with different materials. If I unlink the material from a copy it makes it unlinked only for one selected part but not for all 184 parts. Does that mean that I have to manually choose all these 184 part in the instance and unlink it and then again link it to make 1 material instead of 184 individual materials? If I choose an option to select all components with the selected material it selects 184 x 2 (because it is selecting components for two models).



Have a look into model sets (duplicate geo) with multi-materials (switch from blk-wht).



Yes, but I want other materials of the model stay linked. I've made fully detailed model of some desktop pc. So it has some color variations of the case and I don't want for example materials of motherboard or GPU, etc. be unique, so they should be linked. I need to render some shots where these desktops will stay together and be with different case colours. The material of the case has been applied to many parts of the model and it's not so comfortable to choose manually each of them for unlinking