Embed documents into Keyshot package

Started by mattjgerard, June 29, 2020, 09:06:40 AM

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In my projects I am often doing large lists of products in a single project. This always includes a spreadsheet matrix of part numbers to DAM ID's for our website.

In the past we have requested to be able to have a Notebook or Notes section where we can keep notes related to the project that stays with and is included in the bip and ksp files. Seeing that not on the table yet, I did a test and while its most liekly on the "unsupported features" side of the coin, it appears to work.

Save the project as a package, change .ksp to .zip, open the zip (don't extract) in 7zip and drag the excel doc to the zip window, close and change the extension back to ksp.

The project stays intact and stores the document just fine. Keyshot will open/import the ksp just fine ignoring the extra file.

I will not be using this on a regular basis, but thought it was interesting and opens the possibility of having a window pop up when creating a package to drag a folder/documents for inclusion in the package when archiving.

I realize this can all be done with a zip file, but in our archiving platform the ability to just store the ksp file is preferable. Makes searching and filtering of all the other garbage in the archive system much much easier.