Can't upload ksp to OnShape for KeyVR workflow

Started by rmcclelland, July 22, 2020, 07:45:43 AM

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The OnShape plug-in for KeyShot makes for a very nice workflow to KeyVR. However, uploading a ksp back to OnShape isn't working. This feature would make it very easy to collaborate with KeyVR, since any users need the same file, which can be shared via OnShape.

The upload starts, but never gets past 2% without quitting the upload with no error given. Using v8.2

Anyone else had a similar problem or have a proposed solution?


Can you explain the workflow in bit more details. When you say "However, uploading a ksp back to OnShape isn't working." you mean you are doing these (genereal steps):

1. Create OnShape Document
2. "Connect to Onshape"
3. Make Adjustments in KeyShot
4. Upload back to Onshape

Are you tying to take the file into KeyVR between steps and 3 & 4 and it's "breaking" the Upload? If you don't bring the file into KeyVR does it work?

Or are you just doing the 4 steps above (so no KeyVR step) in an effort to allow OnShape to be shared repository for KeyVR scenes and it's not working at all?

It definitely sounds like an issues either way just want to make sure I am diagnosing the right thing.


Onshape is capable to import obj and stl (maybe with colors).
So you can import the meshes, KeyShot can export.
So you'll get the arrangement and the diffuse colors, as well the structure.

Haven't tried it yet, but something should work.

That's the way.



Quote from: rmcclelland on July 22, 2020, 07:45:43 AM
The upload starts, but never gets past 2% without quitting the upload with no error given. Using v8.2

Do you know which version of the OnShape plugin you are using?

Never mind there was only one version for 8.2. Are you on a Mac?


Did a short test and it worked.

Arranged a tiny setup in KeyShot with dummy geometry. Exported this as obj. Onshape had imported it well, recognized the diffuse color and the names of the meshes.

And stl import will recognize the color (KeyShot 9.3 export) but lost the part names.

Hope that helps
