Pro/E Plugin does not work on 64bit Windows 7

Started by jhkim, April 28, 2010, 07:12:08 PM

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I'm running Pro/E WF4 M070 on 64bit Windows 7 machine with floating license.
Recently installed KeyShot Pro Floating on that machine and installed Pro/E plugin.
But when start Pro/E, we got the error saying "Application program KeyShot start failed".
And then got into Pro/E, then the same error message is shown in information as follows;
"Application program KeyShot start failed. pro_tk_general_error".
Do you have any ideas what to do in this case??
In other topic, Keyshot does not take the license when Pro/E start but need the license
when click KeyShot button in Pro/E.
So I could not understand why that kind of error message appears.

Actually, I checked the protk.dat under Wildfire 4.0\text and it seems to be ok because
Keyshot info is there like attached one.
(Attached one is the file from different machine.)

Is there any idea what to do in this case??



Hi JH,

Not that it much help, but as no one else has replied to your post...... I am running KeyShot Pro on a MacPro with Windows 7 and WF5, the plugin seems to work fine with that combination, so suspect it is as you suspect, the 'floating' aspect of your license that may be causing the problem.

Good luck.



a few prelimanary questions to be sure
1) you installed the 64 bit version of keyshot?
2) you installed the 64 version of the plugin?

can you post what's in your protk.dat?

Your error seems to be the protk.dat file that is causing the error, not keyshot.

Maybe check your system variables ... (see my other post


Did you ever get your Pro/E plug in to work?
I have the same issue.
Here is my protk file

NAME       KeyShot
STARTUP    dll

name eDrawings
startup DLL
delay_start FALSE
allow_stop  TRUE
exec_file $PRO_DIRECTORY\$PRO_MACHINE_TYPE\obj\proeconnector.dll


As mentioned in another post in response to you, you need to delete the extra blank line in the file.