Need quick help on settings for rendering output

Started by kjoiner, November 03, 2011, 07:00:47 AM

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I have request from a graphic designer regarding the output of my images.  He wants a rendering with the following:

240 dpi
3500 pixel width
tiff format with alpha channel

I checked the settings in Keyshot 2 and picked the following:
240 dpi
1920 x 1093
8 x 4.554 print resolution
tiff format with alpha channel

The designer emailed me and said the images are still at 72 dpi.
Can somone give me some quick settings to meet his request?




The Key here is his request for the 3500 pixel width. Just make sure your render settings show that. The DPI doesn't matter and can be set in Photoshop to be anything you want using the Image Size dialog. Make sure the box next to "Resample Image" is NOT checked, as this will add or remove pixels from the image (how many pixels an image contains determines how much detail an image captures).



I'm not seeing any options for resampling.  The maximum resolution available in the render settings is 1920 x 1092.  Is this a limitation of Keyshot vs Keyshot Pro?




I passed along the link to the graphic designer to see if he can make the adjustments on his end.  By the way, when rendering, I noticed at the top of the rendering window Keyshot displays ""file name" [1920 x 1801] shown at [960 x 540]".  Is that because it scales down the window so it fits on the screen?



Yes, your size limitation is that you don't have the Pro version of keyshot. The numbers you see mean that Keyshot is fitting the render window to your screen; the resolution of the final image will be as you set it.

"Resample Image" is part of PhotoShop, not KeyShot.



Thanks for all the tips.  I read the posts from the link that was posted and passed it on to the graphic designer.  Does it sound like I have everything set properly on my end?  I think I do, but want to double check. 
