import scale issue

Started by PhilippeV8, November 07, 2011, 06:47:34 AM

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Ok, so I got my scene set up in Inventor.  From there I save to iges and import in 3D Via composer.  There I can re-arrange my parts like I want them to.  Also I can do "explode by color" on parts.  Then add a big box over my entire scene.  Now I export as OBJ the parts I want grouped and each time add the big box with it.  Then I import the OBJ's in KS.  When I'm done, I got a scene where I can make part groups visible/unvisible like I want for easy render different setups.
Now as of late I tend to like to add SketchUp parts to my scenes to get some life into them like plants/furniture/etc.
Whenever I do this, the SkUp part imports HUGE.  After import I got to scale it down to 0.020 which does work.  Then I can re-orient the part and put it into my scene.
The only problem is ... as soon as I got a SkUp part imported; every "Inventor-3DVia-OBJ's" i import AFTER, imports huge and wrong oriented as well.

How can I prevent this ?  Or work round this issue ?


Make sure you check "from previous" in the import dialog. This way it will keep it all relative to the first import.


With "from previous" or without, doesn't make a difference here  :-\

I even tried importing in a new bip and then import that bip with no succes.

I have figured out a strategy overnight though.  I'll setup my scene fully with the Inventor parts and keep a copy of that file.  Then keep the SU imports for last just before rendering the scene.  Then if I need to change anything, go back to the file without SU imported props.


Ok, so even that didn't work 100%.  Turns out the import scale doesn't only go weird when importing SU objects, but also when deleting parts that are already in the assembly in KS which I don't need anymore.

So now I opened a file which imported my inventor parts in the right place, imported all obj's, then now I will remove all parts no longer needed, thereafter import the SU parts.


Do I notice correct as well that if I import loads of geometry in 1 bip file and want to render 1 part visible at a time; that this eats frames ?  So even if a part is not visible, it does reduce my FPS ?


Yes - it is a "bug" in KeyShot 2. Fixed in 3.



I'm having the same issue and have been ever since I starting using Keyshot. I'm using 2.2.3 and checking from previous, but it importing objects in to current scenes come in massive. This happens with all possible combinations of checked boxes.

HELP as it's annoying! I have to re-import the a whole model every time there's a design change!



I've been having a hard time with this yesterday and after a lot of messing around, I found out that it's not what you import that messes things up .. it's what you remove from the scene.  Or at least in my case.


In my case I've got a "mother file" which contains ABCDEF.
Then I got the most recent file which contains CFJKLM.
When I import XYZ into this most recent file, it's scale is way up there and it's position is ... hard to find.
Now I notice that if I import XYZ into ABCDEF its scale is ok.  Then I save it to a temp bip.
Then I remove ABC'DEF' and I'm left over with CFJKLMXYZ.

Can you follow this  ???  It works for me for now ... so my guess is that I must have one of these ABDE parts in the scene for XYZ to import properly.  But which one exactly ... I have no time to figure it out with try & error.