Intensity slider for denoiser

Started by kaizmoto1489, May 17, 2021, 08:08:46 PM

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I'm playing with the ks9 demo and my poor PC just gives me not enough memory for most of my renders. I know 2 gigs of vram is small but other renders have no issues rendering over 95% of my heavy poly models. KS9 runs out even on my smaller models.

My other request would be to have strength slider for the denoiser. Currently it butcher's my fine detail that I work hard to get on some models.

Anindo Ghosh

The denoiser does have an intensity setting: In the Image tab of the Project window, the Denoise section has a "Denoise Blend" slider.

For most of my images I have found blend values between 0.5 and 0.9 to retain the detail I want.