Materials Visible to the eye

Started by Johnjoti, November 22, 2011, 09:49:15 AM

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I saw the movie how works as a Emissive material
I liked that a model with this material can be made invisible but the reflection of it remains visible.
This is shown in 3:58 seconds into video

I use Metallic Paint to fill the plane (table) on which the model.
With the help of the reflection from the table, I get a beautiful reflection on gold.
But the table itself is often not useful because on it are visible the reflections of the environment that distract from the jewelry they just spoil the renderer.
So I remove the table in Photoshop, making it completely black.

Plane (Metallic Paint)

Without plane

so looks like my render postprocessing in Photoshop

I would like to ask so that you can make invisible materials Metallic Paint and Metall mat,
just like as Emissive mat

Thank you


Nice ring John!

What I do in this situation is render my ring as TFF with transparency.  In PS I have just the ring on one layer, and a new background on another layer.

That way you get your ring with reflections, without the busy background.  If done correctly the ring and background will not look artificial.

You can add a photo or simple gradient colored background in PS, use the TFF mask layer to create a mask, and experiment with layer blend modes.  This allows the ground reflection of the ring to show through the background layer.

I've attached an example using a photo for the PS background.  If the top half of the photo background is opaque, and the bottom half has graduated transparency, then you will get the ring ground reflection without the unwanted background light reflections from your HDRI.



Thank you Ed for your comment!
But your ring and post processing is much nicer;)
In Photoshop tremendous opportunities. Of course, they are only disclosed in the capable hands

But a lot of work in Photoshop is not always justified when it comes to such trifles as the creation black background and inclusion of reflections on the gold from the hidden plane.

So I ask the developers of Keyshot implement the option "Visible to the eye" in the material Metallic Paint.
I think that the KS developers will be not difficult to implement this feature. Since it is already worked out on the Emissive mat.

Agree, it would be a nice opportunity to accelerate process.


Oh, I'm behind the times, I'm talking about the materials KS2.
Okay, I'll test the KS3
Maybe there already implemented new options :)


Well, I checked now all the material in Keyshot 3.
Only emissive have the opportunity to escape from the camera but leave visible reflection.

Dear developers,  would you can say that in the immediate updating you add "Visible to the eye"  for a some other material?

Or it is impossible?



How about making two renders. one with the plane and emissive on and another with plane and emissives off. Then combine the two in Photoshop. Using just the ring in one and using just the ground plane in another.
Just a thought.


It's for animation
Do you think it easy to fix in Photoshop 360 frames?


Sorry didn't realize it was for a animation.
OK, go this route then.
One set of renders with the emissives on.
Then do another for the alpha mask so everything would be black except the ring is flat white. That will be your alpha for the ring.
do another render with emissives off.
Then do another alpha, but this time everything is black except for the ground plane. Ground plane is flat white.
Compile everything in After Effects or what ever editing software you use..
So in the end you will have four animations.
That should work.


Thank you for your answer, Tim!
But I love Keyshot for high speed.
The way that you propose will minimize the dignity KeyShot


OK, let me get this straight. You want a ground plane becasue you like what it does to your model. But, do not want to see it ?
If you make that ground plane a emissive and set it to 0 then turn off visable to the eye the ground plane will still effect your model. plus you will still have ground shadows.
Now I don't know if that's what your looking for. I have done this when doing interior shots when I want to see throught a part but want to keep the shadows it creates on other parts.
Good luck.


Does this work if you don't want emissive effects as well ?  Just the shadows ?


Quote from: PhilippeV8 on November 29, 2011, 03:20:53 AM
Does this work if you don't want emissive effects as well ?  Just the shadows ?
Yes, you should have shadows plus the emisive effects.


Sorry feher ... I meant: yes for the shadows, no for the emissive effects.

I regularly receive pictures of house/restaurant/building/etc from potential customers.  They ask me to draw one of our products (terrace covering) over the picture.

The way I do it now is render the product with right dimensions, perspective and color, then in PS put it over the picture.  Then in PS I have to simulate shadows from the product on the building.
If I could make simple geometry copy of the building, import it in KS with the product and have as output, the model with shadows, it would save me time and increase acuracy.  The only thing I would have left to do is edit the shadow for windows or water-pipes and other such fine detail.


Quote from: Johnjoti on November 28, 2011, 03:52:54 PM
It's for animation
Do you think it easy to fix in Photoshop 360 frames?


you confuse the fwo programs!
Its Bunkspeed Shot
:D LoL
Keysot has no "faded" option
do not look for


QuoteKeysot has no "faded" option
do not look for

I know. but I want to that the KS developers added this feature such as in the Bunkspeed Shot.

Faded: Hides a model from the camera's view, but leaves it in the scenein terms of lighting.