Setting restrictions in moving objects

Started by MRVR, June 15, 2021, 05:51:09 AM

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I currently have a setup where I have multiple cabinets with doors. In my CAD software (Creo) I have constrained the doors so they can only rotate along a vertical axis (to simulate opening/closing the cabinets). Are these constraints completely removed when importing my assembly into Keyshot? When I use the Move Objects function in KeyVR the whole model sets moves, but is there a way to constrain the movement to only allow the same rotation along vertical axis?

Thanks in advance.


Yes, the constraints are removed when you bring your part into KeyShot, but you can move objects by assigning a pivot point for a group or object.

The manual has good information on this, and at the bottom of the page Ryan Levy recorded a great quick tip using KS9:

Jan Simon

KeyVR does not yet support constrained movement. We are looking into improving our physics system in the future, optimally it would also support constrains. This means you could freely swing open doors for example (constrained by an angle between min and max) or move a slider on a control console (constrained by a single axis position between min and max) etc.