Export Scenes and cameras

Started by kslay, November 25, 2011, 02:27:28 AM

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Hey guys,

am i missing something?
How do i export a scene and of course the camera
to maya / 3dsmax?
I just can't find an option to export / save my scene  / camera as
a FBX format.




As far as I am aware there has never been an 'export to' option in KeyShot. This question was asked some time ago and I seem to remember that the reply was that KEyShot is a rendering tool not a conversion program and as such it was never intended to be able to export to other programs.

If I am wrong I am sure that you will get additional posts but I am pretty certian that I remember correctly.

Kind regards, Stuart


thanks for the head-up Stuart!
Yeah, i know that Keyshot is not a conversion tool but in my view
it's a cheap excuse.

If KeyShot is supporting FBX in order to import cameras and scenes object
than it should be logical to support the same way out ( export FBX Scene / Camera)
This is nowadays a simple standard and not rocket science.

