TheraFace PRO Launch Animation (Therabody)

Started by sloanelliot, April 18, 2022, 11:48:14 AM

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Hey all! Been a while since I've posted anything here, thought I'd share this animation we did for @Therabody-- we only had 3 weeks to put this together, from concept to completion, so a ton of room for improvement but ultimately time was not on our side haha.. Anyway, enjoy!

This was very much a team effort, full credits on our Instagram

Eugen Fetsch



Very nice! If this is how it comes out when you're pressed for time, I'd like to see the results when you aren't.  :D

I don't use Instagram and so, can not see your credit list. So, a couple of questions... How many people besides yourself were involved? What other software was used in addition to KeyShot? How much was animated in KS vs animated elsewhere and then imported into KS? The animated sand... clearly not animated in KS. Was it imported into KS from whatever animated it to render or was it rendered elsewhere and then comped together with the KS stuff in post?


Thanks for the kind words!

Credits were: myself, Nicolas Robertson and Francesco Brunetti on the Keyshot front-- we all wore a lot of hats; I did all animation / camera work / CD, device CMF, a lot of lighting setups, etc. Nicolas did a ton lighting design work and environmental design (+CMF on that front, as well as tweaking device CMF to suit each shot) and Frank created a series of interior backdrops/environments we used as sort of a container for most shots. We were all flying by the seat of our pants, so they were funneling all kinds of cool stuff my way and I was trying to kind of pull and stitch various parts together to make things somewhat cohesive. We didn't have time to really storyboard this and then the inevitable last-minute client requests come pouring in so we threw out a bunch of more story-driven shots  :'(

Haha and CORRECT, the sand we alllllllmost pulled off in Keyshot (not the animation but rendering), but KS just isn't there yet, we actually had to use KS10 because 11 is just too unreliable (even 11.1) and keeps resetting cameras when using targets etc. Couldn't risk it. So the sand was simulated by Arman Pier in Phoenix FD and rendered in 3DSMax using VRay, but you're gonna laugh at this one: we actually rendered the DEVICE for those shots in KS. So we created identical lighting setups, he threw in a dummy device to get the shadow data on the sand, and then we comped everything together in AE. We were able to match cameras and DOF even so that part came out surprisingly well, all things considered haha..

Sound design was done by Luca Poletto and editing by Tyson Kroening. :)


Quote from: sloanelliot on April 19, 2022, 10:41:09 AM
Haha and CORRECT, the sand we alllllllmost pulled off in Keyshot (not the animation but rendering), but KS just isn't there yet, we actually had to use KS10 because 11 is just too unreliable (even 11.1) and keeps resetting cameras when using targets etc. Couldn't risk it. So the sand was simulated by Arman Pier in Phoenix FD and rendered in 3DSMax using VRay, but you're gonna laugh at this one: we actually rendered the DEVICE for those shots in KS. So we created identical lighting setups, he threw in a dummy device to get the shadow data on the sand, and then we comped everything together in AE. We were able to match cameras and DOF even so that part came out surprisingly well, all things considered haha..

Thanks for the detailed response. Concerning your workflow for the sand, I pretty much figured it had to be something like this. I'm not surprised to hear the device itself was rendered in KS and then comped in after the fact. I assumed all shots of the device were KS rendered so this was the only method that made sense to me. Thanks for confirming it. Your final results are top notch!


Yeah we actually imported a small portion of the sand sequence into KS as an alembic-- in 11 we were able to use FBX, but it had a host of other issues.. I've attached a few screenshots of the KS sand tests, didn't look bad (this wasn't final lighting or anything, just a quick test), but the density of sand particles was like 1/8th what we could achieve in Max so we just rolled with it haha.. Not to mention, the final KSP for that sequence would have been like 100GB+ so load times would have been silly..

Will Gibbons


Thanks, man! Gonna be posting a bunch of other stuff over the coming weeks (been slacking for a year on posting) if you wanna check it out:

Kuba Grabarczyk

To say it's a wonderful piece of work is like to say nothing. Hats off guys, this is just purely beautiful!

At the same time, it's nice to see I am not the only person dealing with "artistic gymnastic" linking footage from various rendering engines, testing limits of Keyshot working with super heavy files. Blender, cycles, keyshot, particles, alembic, after effects... I know your pain, bro :)