KS3 Bugs

Started by jjeconomaki, December 19, 2011, 10:10:41 AM

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I just downloaded the latest build in hopes that the following bugs would be addressed but they persist.

1) Cylindrical Mapping does not work in KS3 but works fine in KS2, image below;

In addition, objects with circular mapped labels in KSv2 (which are fine) that are exported as a bip do not import into KSv3. It says the label is there but it is a mess and not fixable.

2) There is a serious bug with .obj tessellation in KSv3 that does not exist in KS2. The image below is the exact same .obj imported into both programs. KSv3 is unusable for me with this issue. There are not options to address tessellation in .obj export on my CAD side and no options to address it on the import side either.  It works just fine in KSv2.

In addition, if I save the KSv2 file as a bip and import into KSv3 the tessellation goes away.   Image below;

Another incredibly annoying bug that makes KSv3 unusable here at the moment is large assemblies.  As a matter of machine resources, we export assembly components into separate .obj files and then recombine them in KS by adding to the scene. In KSv2 we have had no problems--it always works. In KSv3 several of the components (that work perfectly in v2) come in with their axis flipped and there IS NO WAY to change the axis in the import--the only way to reorient the offending components is by moving and rotating them--and moving and rotating components is clearly not one of KeyShots strengths.  We need the ability to NUDGE components using the arrow keys--the Gripper is too crude on smaller scale work. Furthermore, when you zoom in for a Gripper move the Gripper resizes with the component--this should be fixed, there is no reason for the Gripper to scale on a zoom.

Lastly, referring to the image above with tessellation, anodized aluminum in v2 is much more realistic than in v3 in my opinion.



John, I'll add some of my issues to yours.  I posted many in other threads with no response, so it seemed logical to add into yours if you don't mind.

I cannot drag/drop or command import assemblies directly into KS3.0.90 from Windows Explorer, folders or the desktop.  However, the SolidWorks plug-in works perfectly.  Or, I'll usually open first in KS2, save and close, then open with KS3, which also works fine.

Once I have a KS3 file, I cannot add additional parts or assemblies- if they come in at all, it's at strange scales like > 2800 or so, and I cannot rescale them down even with numerical import. Always at odd angles even though I always follow the same creation conventions in SolidWorks.

Most (but not all) KS2 bips will not open in KS3 after I updated to 3.0.90.  Just get a black screen even though the Scene Tree show "it's there".  See screenshot.  I've let it chug away for up to 30 minutes with no effect.

Cylindrical mapping flat out won't work, and we need to use it all the time.

On your last issue of tessellation, check (on import) under the "Advanced" option that you have tessallation set correctly.  I use 1.000 for SolidWorks.  I only had to adjust it from .200 to 1.000 the first time, then KS3 remembered it.

Bill G



Good points. BTW, there is NO tessellation setting under Advanced for an .obj import here in v3.

Completely agree with cylindrical mapping. Obviously.



We will look into this.

Since Obj is already tessellated, you can't refine the tessellation.

I would import the entire assembly into KeyShot 3, now that you can move individual components.

As far as materials go, you can always import your KeyShot 2 materials into the KeyShot 3 library. Also keep in mind that default Gamma is now 2.0, so inherently images are a bit brighter, and less contrasty.


Bill - I bet that it may have something to do with the camera. Try and move the distance slider in the camera tab to see whether you can move it back to finally see the model.

Chad Holton

Quote from: Speedster on December 19, 2011, 10:51:47 AM

Most (but not all) KS2 bips will not open in KS3 after I updated to 3.0.90.  Just get a black screen even though the Scene Tree show "it's there".  See screenshot.  I've let it chug away for up to 30 minutes with no effect.

Hi Bill,

Do you have a simple KS2 bip file, that gives you this issue, you can send me to test? If so, please send it to support@luxion.com.




Currently it is impossible to import the entire assembly into KS3-I am out of computing resources on the CAD side--which should be fixed with a new workstation.

That said, I still would not import the entire assembly at once because of the sheer number of components--I am also running out of colors for the .obj painting, and managing all of these colors is a royal pain.  Disassociating materials in KS3 is not the answer.  In addition, moving small objects small distances is not quite impossible and I am hopeful this gets addressed quickly as well.

Smaller sub-assemblies imported into a scene works fantastic in KS2 and it does not work in KS3 as mentioned--there are some components that have their orientation wrongly fixed in concrete and the orientation CANNOT BE CHANGED, regardless of the choices upon import--which is a bug from this users perspective.

Thanks for listening.



Ok we will take a look at it - what modeling software are you using?



Using Shark FX and Cobalt.


Thanks. I understand now why you want to use obj.


QuoteUsing Shark FX and Cobalt.

oohhh helloooooo!!!

I am also a major user of SharkFX   :) :)

this is my basic tool for modeling.

I have no problems at the moment of tessellation. I put my models in super fine resolution before export.

I send you a screen with all the export formats of SharkFX




The .obj files I turned in to the KeyShot team were "Extra Fine". It makes no difference what the resolution-they all come into v3 tessellated, but are fine in v2.

Thomas-yes, .obj is just about the only export that worked flawlessly in v2.

My point is that something has been changed in v3 and the results support the claim.

Hope it is fixed soon!


Chad Holton

Quote from: Speedster on December 19, 2011, 10:51:47 AM
John, I'll add some of my issues to yours.  I posted many in other threads with no response, so it seemed logical to add into yours if you don't mind.

I cannot drag/drop or command import assemblies directly into KS3.0.90 from Windows Explorer, folders or the desktop.  However, the SolidWorks plug-in works perfectly.  Or, I'll usually open first in KS2, save and close, then open with KS3, which also works fine.

Once I have a KS3 file, I cannot add additional parts or assemblies- if they come in at all, it's at strange scales like > 2800 or so, and I cannot rescale them down even with numerical import. Always at odd angles even though I always follow the same creation conventions in SolidWorks.

Most (but not all) KS2 bips will not open in KS3 after I updated to 3.0.90.  Just get a black screen even though the Scene Tree show "it's there".  See screenshot.  I've let it chug away for up to 30 minutes with no effect.

Cylindrical mapping flat out won't work, and we need to use it all the time.

On your last issue of tessellation, check (on import) under the "Advanced" option that you have tessallation set correctly.  I use 1.000 for SolidWorks.  I only had to adjust it from .200 to 1.000 the first time, then KS3 remembered it.

Bill G

Just wanted to update anyone that's having these issues. Please download and install the latest from here: http://keyshot.com/downloads/ (make sure it's at least 3.0.90 - if not, refresh the page)

It seems the update doesn't fix some of the issues mentioned and the full installation will.

As for cylindrical mapping - The bug is filed and we should have the fix soon.


Having just done another clean re-install, here's a quick reminder of the process.

1)  Download from the Luxion website and stick it on your desktop.  DO NOT OPEN IT!!!

2)  Copy your license from the KS3 Resources folder to your desktop.

3)  Rename the KS3 Resource folder.  I just prefix it as backup.  This will preserve any custom materials, folders, HDR's, backplates, etc. that you have added to date.  You'll copy those over to the new install.

4)  Remove KS3 from the program files.

5)  Now you can open and run the full monty as usual.  When it opens, simply point the license request to the copy on your desktop.

6)  Copy and Paste any new or added stuff from your backup copy back into the appropriate the KS Resources.

Chad, this is what has been working for me.  If I missed anything please correct it.

Bill G

Chad Holton

Thanks for adding this Bill.  :) Looks good to me.