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Voxel Robo

Started by Ralf-S, May 06, 2010, 08:05:25 PM

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Some "KeyShots" of a 3D Coat sculpted / Voxel Robo, *.obj file size 1,5 GB

Robert V.

looks awesome, but can you post a picture with the robot on a grey background? The robot is hard to see.


Great - increase the Gamma in the image tab to brighten up the scene.


You have enlightened me Thomas.  ;)
Some new...I hope a bit better.


Yessssss!!! Much better. Try Image gamma at 1.8, and leave all other brightness / gamma settings at 1.


Yes, great renders. The first one looks kinda funny, as he appears to be shopping in the mall  ;D


Yes - and everybody left as soon as he showed up ...  8)