Custom Mesh Holes

Started by Ctrain87, January 20, 2012, 02:18:46 PM

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I have read countless threads about applying mesh materials to surfaces.  I've haven't had any luck in my case so I've created a new topic.

Instead of using the standard KeyShot (Circular Mesh Texture), I've created a mesh design that I would like to use.

I have the linework in Adobe Illustrator.  Made the holes black and saved it as a PNG with a transparent background.  I can apply this PNG to the surface as a label to mimic the look of custom mesh.

My question is...How can I make the holes transparent to simulate real metal mesh.  I want to be able to see a black fabric texture I've placed on a surface under the metal mesh.


If I already have Adobe Illustrator linework, what steps should I take to export a file I can use?  Or is the black holes PNG with clear background good?

If anyone has step by step instructions, please help.


Have you tried using an opacity map for the mesh?


I am currently using KeyShot 2.  I don't believe it has an Opacity Map like KeyShot 3.


Correct. Time to upgrade. You can do it with the general material in KeyShot 2. It is not easy to do though, especially since you can't change the mapping type. You will need to make sure that this is done in your modeling application first. Not a problem in KeyShot 3.


I might have to upgrade to KeyShot3  :(


Easy. Use General material type, put the PNG as a texture. Transparent areas in the PNG will turn the geometry transparent.