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My first try

Started by RyanRo, February 12, 2012, 07:37:54 PM

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  Hello everybody,after one weak i may tell that my render is not so bad,i accept all criticism and advices,as i m just a starter in keyshot rendering,allso Photoshop and Hdri light map,it was very difficult for me to find an a good balance of colors ,hdri, brightness, gamma,size and all this settings,i ransacked all the web to find an a good hdri file,bot.....all the job i think remains Photoshop,shame that i  know it very little,please lett me know what is wrong in my work so i may improve my skills.I do have another project,please lett me know how to render it because i dont know how to fit it in keyshot window an render it  to a hi resolution,if i zoom in, it not fit,if i zoom out it becoms blured even on hi resolution render,thx. (in the second picture is the object that i mean,the clock).
      Thank you Keyshoters!.

      Ps         Nice software.


looks good. You may want to add some fillets to the rent, and increase the tessellation.


sorry,i dont understand,fillets to the rent???,by tessalletion u mean the density of the object mesh,thx


I think he meant ring. the corners are very sharp and could use a radius on them. Also when importing there is a advanced options box. click it and increase the tessellation to make the edges sharper.


i have no import window with tesselation option,i dont know what u mean....thx anyway


If you don't have tesselation option on import, perhaps you have it in your CAD software where you made these objects ... suggestion: google "tesselation" + "your CAD software".


Thanks that u are close to me,i allready did try to find anything about rhino3d tesselation bot have no chance,so,i have no way to control this i understand,anybody can light me up,thx in advance,its this the reason that gold material sometimes have no sharpness,its kind of blured  ???


if it is about the object mesh,i did make it dense and i did remake the sides filets.....


please,what about my second problem,can anyone help me please,i mean de clock in the second picture,thank you.


Needs a shadow to math others shadows. Easy to do in Photoshop.


the problem its the resolution,not shadow,......thx


For the clock .. you mean you need it zoomed out to mach your backplate ?  It shouldn't make any difference if you render zoomed in or zoomed out, only you need a much higher resolution for zoomed out to match zoomed in render.
My suggestion: render a zoomed in render with flat color as background and alpha turned on.  Render to TIFF or EXR.  Then combine the clock with your backplate in Photoshop .. this way you can add that shadow in the same step ... it'll do magic, I'm sure.


If you want answers about modeling go here You will learn a lot.


   Hi,i dit render the clock at a maximum resolution,and its still blurred,i dont know why,btw,when i render a tiff i open it in photoshop by layer transparency bot i dont get the transparent background,its still look like it dont have a transparent info in the file........,thank you PhilippeV8.


Yes - the alpha information is in the file. You can change the tessellation by changing the mesh size inside Rhino.

The background image in the clock rendering doesn't looks high-res enough. That is part of the problem.