3 cheers for opacity maps

Started by PhilippeV8, April 03, 2012, 04:19:38 AM

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You bet, this would've been a BIG file to import/render ...


... it looks even better if you don't forget to orient your box for the mapping correctly ......  ???


These look brilliant.

Love the rockwool inner as well. Looks more like a photo than a rendering!



Yeah, I was going to ask about that inner portion.  Is that a texture or a decal?  Either way, it was a nice touch to make each one look different from the next.


Now that's the ticket ! Nice work as always.



It's relay awesome!
I also want to ask about inner material.


Innermaterial is rockwool ... I took a good res picture of a board here at work ... the inner parts were bright yellow when importing the louvre as a 3DS file.  I just asigned the texture to the yellow material and let the color bleed a bit trough so that I have control over hue/saturation/brightness of it.  Then I just scaled it a bit larger than what you see ... so it's just 1 texture over the whole bunch with a boxmap setting.  Nothing fancy.
Ow and I did add the same jpg as bumpmap to it ... just for a little extra depth.



Philippe was kind enough to fill us in on how he went about creating this. We've posted it on the blog along with the .ksp he provided for the Rockwool material. Thanks again Philippe!
