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yacht interior

Started by dimr, April 25, 2012, 02:01:27 AM

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I have tried some interior design& render  for a 37 m modern sailing yacht .


1st render: what are you selling ?  those vases ? try an other focal point for the DOF !
2nd render: the cushions of the central bench look weird .. looks like the long round "saussage" cushions are missing ?
3rd render: very glossy !!  maybe add some grain to the gloss ?  also, finding higher res wood textures might help here ?


hi dimr,how did u render these interior scenes? in a closed box illuminated by only emissive material ?or just built part of walls and illuminated by environment ?


Hey D! Nice to see some more renderings!

I come from an interiors background (on aircraft) and I'll say, these are looking pretty good (better than many I've seen.

1st render: focal point is fine, but push the scene back a little to get the table into view or increase the focal distance. Render need to bake a little longer to get rid of the graininess.
2nd render: I think this looks great, but the carpet texture looks a little flat. maybe try a bump along with it.
3rd render: Also nice. The gloss is just about right for the finish put over the veneer. I wouldn't change it.

Other comments:
Looks like you're using the basic white glass on the wine glasses. Try checking the "Two-sided" option in the material properties or using a dense white glass.


Ok, I won't make any more coment on glossy wood finishes :p  If you guys say it looks right, I won't dissagree ...
Seems as people in the USA kinda love very VERY glossy wood finishes.  I noticed on TV that lots of this type is used for dining tables.  And it needs to realy shine !
Here in EU, we see it very little.  We like our woods natural looking.


I'm not sure I agree with the gloss level either - waaaay to much. But what do I know. We are all about bling in the US - look at all the chrome wheels we have on our cars .... ;-)


I know what you mean there Thomas ! ... If I watch "pimp my ride", my TV screen goos so white & shiny that I have to wear sunglasses to see the show ..........  8)


Exactly. Especially here in California. Can't tell you how many times I've seen cars where the wheels were worth more than the rest of the vehicle! And if you are budget is tight, at least buy some chrome hubcaps!


interesting you guys discussing! in China we also like the woodwork coated with shinning lacquer,people believe that means it is expensive,but the annual rings should be clear and natural.
honestly i also have no idea that why Chinese rich people love wood in red color such as mahogany.i like oak:p

but who can tell me that how can i get a good result of rendering the night interior scenes?just illuminate with emissive material? thanks!


I would suggest to leave part of the room open to let the light from the HDRI shine in.


It's incredible the gloss that is asked for on the interiors. It's not just US or China either. Most VIP aircraft interiors will have this high level of finish. In a sense it is expensive, because EVERY detail and imperfection shows up. The person really has to know what they're doing to do these finishes and typically it's one guy doing it, at least for the same cabinet. Anyway, that gloss is about spot on.


Thanks Thomas,i'll have a try with ur method. :) :) :)


Second image is the best !
Way to much shine for
Thanks for sharing. Keep up the great work.