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MAD Truck!

Started by TheCrazySwede, April 26, 2012, 03:06:03 PM

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Hi (again)!

This is the third time I post this topic, the forum cuts me off all the time (feels kinda unstable). But lets give it a final try!

So, this is my first post here. The truck is designed in photoshop/Modo, modeled in Modo and then rendered in Keyshot. The backplate come from Moofe.
Hope you like it. The rendering is made from several different renderings which are mixed together in photoshop. The textures and details are all painted straight in Photoshop (aswell as the lighteffects, colorcorrection etc etc).

Hope you like it!

Best regards,
Mikael Lugneg


Third time's the charm!  Way sinister, way scary and way cool!  With those four pipes you have to wonder what's under the hood.  A really neat and original touch is the way you modeled the front fenders- nice!  I wonder about the sight lines from the cab over the high hood, but hey, with a rig like this, who really cares what's in front anyway? 

I sure wish I could get off first base with Modo, which I'm finding to be a very difficult app to learn, especially by a SolidWorker.

Keep those renderings coming!

Bill G


Awesome! When you post, make sure to avoid quotation marks and any other special character - the forum doesn't like it and will cut you off ;-)


Really nice work Mikael!   Love to see what you do next.   I'd like to see just the raw, untouched KeyShot truck render for comparison.



Love it ! Very nice.
Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.



Nice! I'm interested to see how Keyshot works in producing this type of painting look as the final result. I know many concept artists who produce this kind of look by actually painting over very low res rendered models.

Could you show a break down of how you create an image like this?



I thought the name Mikael sounded familiar - you can see his excellent work here:

About six months ago I purchased his "how-to" video here:

The technique is basically what CAClark describes, and it's fascinating to watch, even if you intend to add just minor touch-ups in Photoshop.
